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商品説明Replica Knucklehead Bobber バイク kit is a foot shifter model which is recreated with the original Bobber styling of the 1940's utilizing the full range of V-Twin Replica parts. This is a complete kit in the foot shifter version with chrome accents. Kit includes 4-speed transmission, Replica Knucklehead frame, 28" chrome inline spring fork assembly, Replica chrome oil tank, complete handlebar assembly, 18" chrome front wheel, 16" rear wheel, Rigid solo seat, and a 3.5 gallon 2 piece bobbed gas tank set. Engine is completely assembled, pre-run, and tested for oil pressure. Kit requires assembly. Manufacturer's Statement of Origin is supplied for the frame and engine. A Bill of Sale only will be supplied for the transmission. Check your state for registration and title requirements.適合FL 1941-1947 OEM 商品内容1-KITmadeinUSAコメント不明な点や適合車種などお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。